Feb 22, 2012

Helicopters are from Mars.



Airplane #1
"I'm so so so going to be so so mad in about two minutes!!!"

Airplane #2
"Oh tell me he didn't say something about your wingspan ~Again?!?"

Airplane #1
"He so totally did!! As a kind of a lift off before work to make me smile he said. I'm sorry make me SMILE??!! Is he kidding me are you serious? Am I being stupid or am I right in being so friggin upset?"

Airplane #2
" Woman I can see the smoke starting to come outta your engines. You better relax before you full on take off. Although man the wingspan...AGAIN? Yeah girl I'm with you...what an bunch of useless metal!"

Airplane #1
"He is so going down I'm done that's it...what an ass!!!".

Airplane #2
"Be careful sweetie... Fly safe I'm with you in spirit. In hanger 6 when you get back..."

Airplane #1
Screaming as she hustles down the runway. "that good for nothin metal madness ... What'd I ever see in him anyways...oh my gosh what was I thinking...ok ok ok deep breathing..."
Calms down...wheels gracefully glide upward and take their place in her belly.

Helicopter #1
"Dude you really me turned her wingspan again? Youn going down today you mow that right?"

Helicopter #2
"Cheers to another day off in the clouds bro! Later!". Sun is out, slight ocean breeze, he lifts off, without any drama, and goes about his day. ;)

I rest my case. I much prefer the helicopters. Or more accurately, (an exception holds true for every rule) I prefer the "Mellicopter". No drama, no extra nonsense... Just get up and go go juice.

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