Jul 2, 2012


Part of my "assignment" from Green Eyes, is to continue blogging.    So, hello world, how is today?  Oh me?  I'm doing lovely thank you, just trying not to melt.  My aches from falling last week, are completely gone.  Of course they've been replaced because when do I take it easy?  Right, so I decided to re-arrange my studio, by myself, moving antique wooden furniture with my own two, small,but strong, hands.   As of last night, my neck down hates me.  Again though, this is me, I'll figure it out.   I always do.  Oh yes, and I have a brand new friend...his name is Tyler, and he's a giant lizard that hangs out at the window  here.  I think he's trying to grow himself into the size of the wooden crocodile that's currently guarding my house.   The last several days, have been a little hazy, I'm tired, and typing non stop.  But better be busy than bored I suppose.
Peacocks, Coyotes, and Lizards...  Oh My.
Quite Kindly,
Achey, but Smiling