Here's a thought provoking twist in everyday fate.
The baby gets away with everything.
It's assumed the youngest family member lives on Easy Street... But what happens when the baby grows up?
I've been sitting here since 8:45 pm. As a child, I'd say a prayer every night, to please let me die first. Ironically being the oldest, I'm not nearly tough enough to ever be the baby. Even now, the first thing I say every night, is a prayer to please let me die first. I'm supposed to, because I'm the oldest.
Yesterday evening, I saw pain in the eyes of a grown up "baby". She's the youngest of four girls, and a boy. After decades of four sisters strong, three have died just this year.
The baby suffering today, is a girl I'd give my own heart too. My mothers mother. My first ever best friend. Needless to say, we hold a strong bond, one that'll never be broken. It's selfish I can't seem to steady myself, but the intention is kind I guess?
The baby doesn't have it easy.
The baby endures pain like no other must.
The baby brings centuries of family together, and reminds us where we've come from. It's through her, that a hundred years from now, none of us will be forgotten. Stories become legends, and laughter and love, and so often it starts, with the baby.

Quite Kindly,
~ A ~ E ~ B ~
Here's a thought provoking twist in everyday fate.
The baby gets away with everything.
It's assumed the youngest family member lives on Easy Street... But what happens when the baby grows up?
I've been sitting here since 8:45 pm. As a child, I'd say a prayer every night, to please let me die first. Ironically being the oldest, I'm not nearly tough enough to ever be the baby. Even now, the first thing I say every night, is a prayer to please let me die first. I'm supposed to, because I'm the oldest.
Yesterday evening, I saw pain in the eyes of a grown up "baby". She's the youngest of four girls, and a boy. After decades of four sisters strong, three have died just this year.
The baby suffering today, is a girl I'd give my own heart too. My mothers mother. My first ever best friend. Needless to say, we hold a strong bond, one that'll never be broken. It's selfish I can't seem to steady myself, but the intention is kind I guess?
The baby doesn't have it easy.
The baby brings centuries of family together, and reminds us where we've come from. It's through her, that a hundred years from now, none of us will be forgotten. Stories become legends, and laughter and love, and so often it starts, with the baby.

Quite Kindly,
~ A ~ E ~ B ~